The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."
The Lord is rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, horn, stronghold. God is portrayed as a military out-post; solid, secure, well armed, well defended. The man who has God as his fortress is well protected. He need not fear the enemy even if 10,000 skilled warriors beat their shields and wave their swords because the man who has God as his fortress is held safe and secure. God could easily send a blast of wind sweeping them all away or he could make them turn on themselves as he has done in history past. God's fortress is impenetrable. His walls are the highest, his stone the hardest, his army the mightiest. No creature can break his defenses; surely the man of God can take refuge here without fear or hesitation. While the sounds of war can be heard outside he can dine with the King inside. Not only is God an invincible fortress, but he is also a rock. A rock communicates strength, stability, sturdiness, foundation. Just as Moses was hid in a cleft of rock so now as new covenant believers we are hid in Christ who is the Rock of Ages, the Ancient Rock. We are surrounded by rock on all sides, with rock under our feet. We are living stones built into this fortress. Blood and water make up the mortar which seals us to Him and the whole structure of saints throughout all time.
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