God drops lines. He is a line dropper. To his people (the Church) these lines fall in pleasant places. As the text would indicate that these lines are tied to his heritage, both nationally and spiritually. The psalmist looks back on his life and sees Gods faithfulness, he reflects on Gods goodness. He knows his line runs all the way back to the patriarchs- Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He realizes his place among Gods men. He knows his attachment to ethic Israel and he loves her.
Even through difficult times, severe hardships, and trials nevertheless, Gods lines have fallen to him and his people in pleasant places. The boundaries of his habitation, the place where he was born, his family, his up-bringing, his friends etc...he can look back on Gods providence and declare, "indeed my heritage is beautiful to me." His heritage is rich and glorious, it starts with God, and these lines in history are positioned by God-the good ones as well as the bad.
These lines are designed by the Great Architech-laying out the blueprint for his life. They have stretched from eternity past all the way to the present. He also realizes that future lines of grace await him in eternity. These are the lines of redemption; lines of salvation; lines of mercy; lines of grace; lines of justice; lines of judgment. These lines have built a fortress around him. He is protected by the King, he is loved by the King. These lines fall in pleasant places because God is pleased with him. Wherever he goes God is there, and where God is there is pleasant place.
God is his dwelling, his habitation, therefore it is not only pleasant it is beautiful.
These lines not only lead him but in him are building a super-structure, a monument unto God. He is part of this great edifice that is rising up in the world; a tower engraved with the names of the saints. There is a banner that flies high declaring his supremacy. God is his heritage, and it is beautiful because God is beautiful. Even in death the lines fall in pleasant places. The line doesn't end in death but stretches out into eternity future. It is here, upon our arrival we enter into the Pleasant Place. It is where Jesus is, he is our pleasant place, he is our heritage. He is where we find our rest. It is in him that the elect heritage will be gathered together as one.
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