"As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the majestic ones in whom is all my delight." Psalm 16:3
Our God is God of delights. He is eternally happy. He delights in many things: His perfections, his attributes, His creative powers, His intellect, His love relationship within the Godhead, His plan and purposes for His people, and every other thing that is good, pure, and holy. He delights in his delights. Some scientist believe that cold fusion is possible- an ongoing source of nuclear fusion-like the sun, or any star; so also I envision Gods delight- a vast infinite amount of joy beaming forth from his presence. A perpetual flow of unceasing delight.
He does not delight in all things; those things which are contrary to himself. He does not delight in sin, evil, or in the death of the wicked.
We see in this verse that God delights in His Body-the Church, the saints, his majestic ones. Reason: we are in Christ; we are the body of Christ. And since the Father delights most in his Son it makes perfect sense then that God delights in us because we are in him, and He in the Father. He is delighting in Himself, as we are in Him and belong to Him.
Majestic means: regal, royal, imperial, noble, best, magnificent, sensational, princely, finest.
1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen race, a royal; priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession..." Christ has purchased this title for us- "his majestic ones." He alone is altogether Majestic and matchless in his power and dominion. Now through the cross-work of Christ we become the majestic ones in whom is all Gods delight; we are the regal ones, the royal ones, the imperial guard, the nobleman, the best of God, his finest, the sensational ones. We inherit this title because it has been won by Christ for us. We are majestic because Christ Jesus represents us. We fall under his title as He is the Majestic Son of the Father. Majestic in beauty and holiness and worthy of our deepest affections.
Though often I don't feel this way, I need to trust in the truth of the Gospel-repent and believe that this is how God perceives me. As a majestic one I now partake in all the benefits won for me. This title is great and glorious, but what is just as sweet if not sweeter is a word that brings great joy to my heart- it is the word delight. God actually delights in me. Through Christ I am literally delightful in Gods sight. Often I look at Christ and say with Peter, "Go away from me for I am a sinful man Lord" but I am now reminded that I have a new label, a new identity- majestic.
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