"I will sing to the Lord for he has dealt bountifully with me." Psalm 13:6
Spiritual songs rise up in the hearts of men for various reasons. The psalmist makes up his mind that he will sing to the Lord. His heart is filled and wells up to his God with joyful song. Gods bounty has affected him in such a way that he cannot help but sing. Resting on the psalmist is the Spirit of God-the Spirit causes him to recognize Gods provision and care, and the Spirit sets forth to stir loves song.
This is becoming of the saint; there is always a song to be sung. We are commanded to sing hymns, spiritual songs, making melodies in our hearts for God for this pleases him. God is a song writer for he places his Spirit in a man to make him sing. Out of all the religions in the world we (Christians) are the only ones who sing to God, and that in a major key. There are other religions that chant but none of them have the melody and harmonies strung together. These songs are sung in joyful antiphonal praise out of love and gratitude. God directs His orchestra, he leads the Church in joyful song. The song of redemption fills the earth. The people of God assemble to sing to God as he has directed.
All music was meant for the Lord, but when we look out over the world we see music that is base and profane, almost always centered on self, sex, false views of love, money, and trivial topics that ultimately don't glorify God. God for them is merely a means to an end, he's the supernatural prop for their lives so that they can get a fat bank roll.
Bounty means- generous/good. God has been generous with us. We can reflect on our lives and see past bounty (generosity) in Gods dealings with us. We can think of present bounties that God is working in us and through us. We can also hope for future bounties as we wait in eager expectation for Christ return and Heaven. Gods generosity pours out and spills over us in all directions. Reason-he has already given us of His Son so every other thing that is given is given with that perspective in mind. Those things are lesser generosities in comparison to the greatest generosity given in his Son. Nonetheless, they come to us from the Father, through the Son, by the Holy Spirit. Generosity abounds.
The great song to be sung is the song of salvation. It's a divine paradox. He dealt most bountifully with me when He was suffering on the cross. He was absorbing my guilt, shame, wrath, judgment. He was providing entrance for me, bringing me to the Father. He was making payment in his blood, that he so generously gave for my sins. His stripes, nails, shed blood, thorny crown...these were my bounty. The greatest act on my behave bought me the greatest treasure. He was bountifully bruised so that I might be bountifully bought. The bounty of his blood was spilled because the bounty of my sin was great. He gave up a measure of his bounty and became a man so that I might experience the full measure of His bounty and become his child. His bounty is so full and immeasurable it fills Heavens warehouse. His silos of generosity never run dry and it will take an eternity to dispense His bounty to his people. While this takes place we will sing to Him- the boundless giver of beautiful bounty.
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